waiting times

Hospital Particular Alvor


Urgent Care

Hospital Particular Gambelas


Urgent Care



Hospital Particular da Madeira


Urgent Care



Madeira Medical Center

Unscheduled Medical Care

Parkinson Physiotherapy


Because we live in times of greater isolation and less follow-up, we have created a checklist to ensure your home and your Parkinson's patient is safe:


  • Floors are stable, non-slip and carpet free.
  • There is good lighting throughout the house, there are no dark or gloomy areas.
  • Passageways are free allowing easy access, for a walker or wheelchair if necessary.
  • Telephone/computer electrical cords are protected so there is no risk of tripping over them.
  • Chairs are stable, have armrests and the seat height is adequate to facilitate standing up.
  • There is a communication system to allow the caregiver to hear the Parkinson's patient in another area of the home.


  • Remove all rugs.
  • Remove unnecessary furniture or equipment to facilitate mobility and reduce the risk of tripping and falling.
  • Store all medication in a safe place.


  • Make sure the atmosphere is calm and relaxing.
  • The height of the bed is such that it allows the feet to touch the floor when sitting on the edge.
  • There is a nightlight bright enough to light the way to the bathroom.
  • If necessary, a urinal shou7ld be made available.
  • There is a communication system to allow the caregiver to hear the patient with Parkinson’s during the night. Flannelette      


  • Place a slippery fabric (satin, for example) in the middle third of the bed to facilitate rolling over.
  • Remove the top sheet and replace with a lightweight duvet.
  • Avoid flannelette sheets and pyjamas (they create more friction to mobility). 

Service available at

  • Hospital Particular do Algarve | Alvor

  • Hospital Particular do Algarve | Gambelas

  • Hospital Particular da Madeira | Funchal

  • Hospital São Gonçalo de Lagos

  • Centro Médico Internacional - VRSA

  • Clínica Particular Medchique

  • Clínica Particular SIIPEMOR

Request more info





  • Support bars next to the toilet, bathtub/shower. Towel racks, taps or soap dishes should never be used as support.
  • A chair available to sit on when brushing teeth or shaving.
  • A communication system to allow the caregiver to hear a call for help in case of need.


  • Make sure there is adequate lighting.
  • Surface of steps should be non-slip
  • Install handrails on at least on side of the staircase.
  • If it is not easy to climb up and down stairs with a cane, keep one at the top and one at the bottom of the stairs.
  • If unable to climb up and down stairs, if possible, install a ramp. 


  • Always keep steps clear of objects.
  • Place a coloured ribbon/tape at the top and bottom of staircases to mark the beginning and end of steps. 


  • Cooking is an activity requiring various steps and tasks.
  • People with Parkinson's may find it difficult to manage these tasks safely, such as opening/closing the fridge or oven door or reaching for food or objects on very low or High shelves. The following tips can alleviate these difficulties:
  • Install wide handles on cabinets, instead of small, round handles; make it easier to open/close furniture doors.
  • Store food/equipment/utensils in easily accessible drawers/cupboards.
  • Place the most often used food/equipment/utensils for cooking (spices, pots and pans) near the stove to avoid displacement or possible burns.
  • Armazene os alimentos/equipamentos/utensílios que são mais usados em gavetas/armários de fácil acessibilidade.
  • Preferably have a single handle tap, as i tis easier to control, turn on and off. 


  • Use long-handled reachers to gain access to shelves. 



  • Try not to use electric power tools. Tremor combined with balance alterations and coordination can affect the safe use of power tools. Slower reaction time can also affect the safe handling of equipment.
  • Avoid climbing up onto furniture/equipment. With Parkinson’s disease, balance and reflexes are slower which is why climbing up ladders, benches or chairs should be avoided.